About a true love in a marriage
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The marriage is a way, in which many dreamers were went go down from clouds to ground. If the woman or man get married on other promptings, than the love, she or he sells themselves how it do the courtesan in the streets. You can ask, certainly, what is it the love and how to find it in general and won’t lose in the marriage?
The first symptoms of love are expressed not by a physical inclination, but consist of a thin realization of the consonance of a nature in each of two hearts.
The most part of enjoyment of love consists in feeling completely understandable in the most noble promptings. Beloved is represented such, what the russian bride wants to see him. And he, in his turn, see her such how he would like to see her. What happy boldness of speeches, what nice perfection of feelings, what rare demonstration of generosity appears when two souls being in a harmony, vibrate in their mutual charm and beauty.
To be attuned one octave higher above own I, to feel reflection of the words in the noble soul of the man or woman – the most high pleasure, which only can be given to the person!
Certainly, the such cases are rather rare, but the opportunity of achievement of the such happiness is quite natural, when the self-restrained and well-mannered characters it is property not only of rare men and women.
Ideal marriage it is when the each of two voluntary will undertake equal weight of conjugal union and will carry it without any deviation; when the idea agree with idea; when everyone, seeing mutual lacks, will be blind to it is the sake of love.

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The true love inspires the beloved person – and then the marriage becomes really the blessing of an altar.
The true love, the clean and meek, does not create the castles in the air, but when it is necessary, it is content with small, sharing this small with the spouse the all life.
If you want to find the love, you will remember that the mark of it – the silence. Gentle shake (of hand, the look, full of kindness, the look which value much more eloquently and in general more sincere, than the words. To judge about love of the men or woman it is possible what and how they make it, how they looks to each other (eyes open the true), not based what they speak, the words frequently may be serve as a cover of true feelings.
From the point of view of the enamored person, the true love is formulated this approximately remark: “Mine dear, I am and everything, what I have at your disposal. The gift mine so insignificant, that I’m ashamed to offer it to you, but it is everything, that I have. Take and keep my heart, and keeping it, you will keep my life. My heart belongs to the God and you. I do not want to live far from you, there are no hopes, in which you could not be participator. Even the death will not separate us, because the true love, surpassing the fear, will connect our souls after death”.
Such connection of two souls is the true Love.
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