Your online dating profile description through the eyes of the girl
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The absolute majority of the men who have placed the profile on dating sites of acquaintances, expect for the real acquaintance. By the way about the profile. This remarkable phenomenon is doubtless plus of such sites. To show the all better qualities, originality, but thus not be the vulgar and banal – it is not so simple. For this reason many profiles at once are closed. And only most successful will add to the “Favorite”. By what criterias does the girls appreciate the profiles of men?
Your dating profile should be unusual, be distinguished among all others. You see doing the inquiry, the girl get a dozens of profiles, so the ordinary profile will be lost in it.
The first information about you is most important. From the first lines the girl will understand, will she continue to read or not. Try to make the first lines as vivid description. The plenty of the texts usually it is difficult for the perception. It is rather boring to read the all details of your biography. But the too short profile too is not so good – girl simply will not pay attention to it. Try to find a golden mean.
Hardly someone will like the profile in which the man describes all life’s squabblings, which have compelled him to address for the acquaintance to this site. You see the girls usually search for the partner for entertainments, or reliable friend, on which it is possible to rely in life. But in both cases the grumbler, which complains of misfortune of personal life, not the candidate, which can attract an attention. Try to place the emphasis to the reliability, success and safety. The girls loves the strong men, to which it is possible to rely.
Many of young people, filling the profile, deform the personal information, attributing for themselves some advantages. Occasionally it reaches up to ridiculous. But, having laughed, the girl closes the such profile. it isn’t necessary to tell lies – it is the main rule!
The profile without a photo usually even are not looked, therefore you need to worry about of a choice of a suitable photo. What photos does push away at once your potential half? It is a photo showing you with parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, children and ex-beloved; a photo of bad quality, from the passport or permit, deformed by Photoshop, made with a help of the mirror; a photo embracing with the machine, your children’s photos, and, certainly, photo of the actors. The good qualitative digital photo made by your friends or the professional photographer will be the best variant.
Describing your appearance, you must be an authentic. When with the description “blue-eyed the blond, height 2m.” the girl will see a photo of the plain dumpling, the profile at once will be closed. Try to present yourself unusually, show the individuality and singularity of your appearance.
The profiles in which is not spoken about the purpose of acquaintance usually leave in the end. It is not so understandable how to behave with such man – you see, the different purposes suppose the various behaviour. The banal description of the qualities at once pushes away. “Kind, sympathetic, beautiful” very loses in comparison with “the cheerful, honour young man wishing to find freedom with the second half”. Try to be original and to show not only good qualities, but also a lacks. We are all the people, and the description of the ideal person involuntarily result in an idea that something is wrongly.
If you describe the girl of the dream marriage, try to make it so that she has seen in a romantic or passionate image of and has liked yourself in such original mirror. To girls it is pleasant, when them appreciate and extol, even here so, in online.
In the profile it is necessary to try to make an accent not that you want but what you can give. The people best of all will go on contact to the person which is ready to offer something.

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The girl will pay attention to the profile, in which specified the hobbies of the potential partner. Not be afraid to tell about your hobbies. Their singularity only will raise your chances to find the partner, your half.
The girls are ambitious essences and will not allow to write to the man, which has liked him only by a photo. If to a photo is not applied the original and truthful story about itself, you should wait for a long time while somebody from the perfect ladies will pay attention to your profile.
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