How to be attracive to women want to get married
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Each woman is unique. There is no one magic system of acts that will attract any woman. If what you try, do not bring good result with one woman, not deny the system! Try it with other women. Most successful men are characterized by the fact that they never received waivers of women to heart.
Only unlucky person take the blame as referring to himself. So, some facts about traits, useful for dating women. Self-esteem. It is talking about a real self-esteem. People treat to you how you treat yourself. But with women all more difficult. A woman wants to absolve of responsibility for her moods, for her stupidity, for her caprice, for her safety and etc. What man can give it to her? Only those who promptly responds to situation of disrespect.
Aggressiveness and purposefulness. Women are crazy about men who know what they want and to achieve it. Passion – this part of life. It is not talking about the extremes, which is called violence. It is the type of aggressiveness, which is setting goals and following of passionate and obsessed with it, no matter to the obstacles.
Self-confidence and even impudence. Women like arrogant, morally strong, confident, slightly impudent men. The main thing – to know measure, to feel the balance. It is not easy to explain. Many men perceive these words as a starting to be rude to women, but this is wrong. Remember Pierce Brosnan in
“James Bond”, or Clark Gable in the movie “Gone with the Wind”. This boldness and easy impudence is reasonable self-conceit combined with humor. This combination became women crazy.
Attention. What woman does not like the attention? And the most interesting thing – it’s better to hint at the existence of attention than desperately show it. Sometimes it’s better just to listen to woman than to give her advice. Better yet just tell her: “I thinking about you today. And I want to say – I love your voice” Do you understand this idea?
Indifference and contrasts in communication. “The less I love a woman, the easier she likes me” (Pushkin). Many women have a lot of admirers, but annoyed of them. Your indifference, your conversation with boredom, your indifference to sexual liaison with her, provokes the woman on active winning your attention.
Charm. Charm it is attention, expressed gently, refined and archly. It’s hard to describe. Look at Mickey Rourke in the movie “9 ? weeks.” Or any “James Bond” film. Charm creates in the minds of woman image of the hero, her rescuer and defender.
Possession of body language. It is very important, because women are constantly send hidden non-verbal signals. They how talk to a different language than men.
Mastery in sex. Women love sex as well as men. But, also like many other excellent things in life, it is not so easy to find a good lover. Women falling in love to skillful lovers who know how to bring them to ecstasy, and able to teach them new incredible sensations.
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