How to be happy in a marriage. What is a essence of a marriage?
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The problem to be happy in a marriage must be interesting both the men and the women, but before understand this question, we’ll consider, in what marriage, its essence consists.
The legislation speaks, that the marriage is lawful union on all life, man and woman, civil-religious contract, in which the contracting sides undertake to live together, in the peace, in love and mutual fidelity, and only the death will terminate their conjugal ties.
But… We see, that many people live completely different to such correct and natural definition of a marriage.
A marriage, as any establishment of the people, has the advantages and lacks, a therefore to enter in it necessary only after a careful choice the Russian girl bride, based on sensible recognition of her moral qualities. The choice of the husband and wife is the most important step in life of the man having the large influence on the future happiness, future success of the spouses and their children.
As frequently people are mistaken, assuming, that a marriage – the powerful method which is capable to give them the happiness without any work from their side; and only real actuality shows them, that a way to the happy home fireplace equally spangled by roses, as well as thorns. The groom and bride, are joyful going to an altar, believe, that the their life will be a continuous honeymoon, eternal babble of love and looking in eyes. All those people, which enter to a marriage with prejudiced opinion, that one possession of the beloved person can provides to him quiet current all life with pleasures of love, are already condemned on the disappointment.
So, at a choice of the partner of the life should play the common sense and real opinion, which is necessary for the people entering in business contract.
Any woman won’t buy to the house, not have asked the lawyer to check up the documents, but at the same time the woman marries, not inquiring about the last life of her future spouse.
The sportsman jealously concerning to the genealogy of the horse or breed of a dog, at the same time even isn’t think to inquire – is his future wife have any moral illness or to any physical illness able to infect the blood of future children. Tell, unless it does not demand the deep all-round discussion?
Very much frequently the groom and bride in their imagination build the castles in the sky, draw in the future happiness in the impossible sizes. And when the real life push down them face to face with the troubles, cares and deprivations – broken up the castles in the sky, and instead of it the married couple wait the ordinary every day life, and they begin to scold a marriage and the not come true dreams.
Rather many women in a aspiration of marriage very indulgently concern to character of the men intended to her husbands; even aspire to a marriage with little known man. Be careful to your own personal life and your destiny, do not allow to led by other people and take the decision yourself only.
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