Secret of a happy marriage
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The problem of divorces has ceased to be a problem of separately of Europe, Canada or USA.
The conception of a marriage go through the crisis everywhere, even in the Country of the Rising Sun, where divorces were not accepted earlier. Unfortunately, there is no the panacea from divorces, though the searches of it are continue. More seriously to this a question consider the American scientists.
John Gotman is the professor of psychology of University of Washington in Seattle. He assure that the friendship is a pledge of a stable successful marriage. In 1986 he went through the divorce, and has opened the laboratory on research of love. “Love Lab” is a furnished apartment with chambers and microphones. The technique honesty fixed the conversations, gestures and mimicry of pairs, which spent time in this apartment. More than 600 pairs has visited the laboratory during 14 years of experiment. Their behaviour, the gestures were carefully analyzed. During experiment was marked the surprising effect: married couple which was on the verge of divorce, have found in themselves lost feelings again.
Lovers’ tiffs are harmless and not only
Even the happiest and stable pairs are quarrel sometimes. The communication not always helps to the happy and long attitudes. The majority of the people does not listen to feelings of second half: frequently slightest criticism in their address is an occasion to lose one’s temper and to cease to hear the partner. The friendship kills a love!
Huge amount of quarrels comes to an end practically by anything. A lot of people wants to change the partner, but this is practically impossible, taking into account a difference in views on life and family values. In the successful pairs the partners accept each other with all advantages and lacks. At the same timer the wives and husbands does not hasten to open the wardrobes to show skeletons, each other kept there from immemorial times. About 100 % of frankness in a happy marriages that is out of the question.
Even the sexuality is not a determinative factor.
The most important factor is a strong friendship, it is a basis of the stable attitudes. The partners should find a certain common sense in the attitudes: each of them must to support the desires and hopes of another partner, and to devote him in own dreams. Dream marriage login whith russian brides.
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