Girls are misterious in their preferences
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To find out, researchers made an experiment, which was attended by nine thousand members of the fair sex – from very young to have already retired. All they saw several sets of photographs of men. Girls and women from fifteen to forty-five looks, usually on the rough face of “real men”, and the ladies at the age of preferred effeminate boys.
In the course of this research, scientists found that women are particularly acute likes men with a low tone of voice, in the period, when their body is most ready to conceive a child. In this question psychologists and sexologists converge to one view, that modern women are more attracted to the low timbre of voice of a man. What is the reason of these preferences?
The reason is in the fact that nature tells the woman that partner with such a voice – a healthy male and a reliable defender for her posterity. It is known that in a man with a low voice the level of testosterone are significantly higher and such men are more tenacious and strong. The fairer sex see in these men greater diligence and reliability in terms of future relations.
What about the appearance of men, which pretty women choose as their partners. Was made a researching , during which women were offered photos of men with two different types of people. The first – feminine: a small jaw, large, expressive eyes, high arched eyebrows, and so on, the second type – the courageous faces with a massive jaw, protruding brow ridge, thick eyebrows.
Women answered also, which type of men suited for long-term relationships, and which to brief, but passionate encounters. The results of this experiment were such. Women choose as partners for long-term and family relationships men … with women’s facial features. A woman sees in a such man above all a caring and honest friend, a good parent and a good family man.

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However, for short-term and passionate romance subjects more often chose the “macho”. Thus, men produce a different impression on the weaker sex, and for different types of relationships women will choose different men. But it’s just statistics, and we can only talk about the probability of preferences of each individual woman. And you can test it in practice!
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